Friday, March 9, 2012

Sick Days

John Minami

When I was in high school, I loved sick days.  Sure, all of the coughing and fevers may have sucked but at least I was able to stay home and not go to school.  It was high school. Who cared if I missed a day of classes?  It wasn't anything that I couldn't make up the next day.  But college is a lot different.
I didn't take a sick day today, but because my first class didn't start until 4:30PM I was able to lie in bed all day.  It was a pretty miserable experience.  First of all, I didn't have any cold medicine.  At home, my parents would always keep a medicine cabinet full of various pills and syrups to make me feel better. However, in college, I had to devote more of my financials towards textbooks and food.  So I decided to just "man up" and simply rest today.
The second bad part about being sick in college is that I didn't have any parents to take care of me.  I didn't have a mom to make me soup and bring me extra blankets.  I didn't have grandparents to cook me warm food.  I had to make do with heating up some soup and drinking some juice.
And the final bad part would be that I didn't really get to get any work done.  The workload in college is significantly higher than the load in high school, so I sort of regretted not getting anything done today.
That is, of course, except for writing this. 

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